The name Khramer is created by joining 3 words that best described our passion: 

Khram (Thai word for indigo) + Farmer + Charmer

We created Khramer with an ambitious mission to deliver the charm of our beloved Khram community to the world and support local farmers who work tirelessly to care for the plants that shape their community.

En Route

Our love for indigo or Khram took shapes in the northeastern E-Sarn region of Thailand, well-known for its friendly people, flavourful food, upbeat music and its charming art and craft traditions. The charming E-Sarn culture has won our heart as well as opened our eyes to the abundance of the land. As a contemporary beauty and wellness brand, Khramer wants to bring the charming nature of E-Sarn people as well as their art and craft to people around the world. 

Our fascination with Khram took us on multiple visits to Sakolnakorn, a small E-Sarn town known for its natural, indigo dyed fabric. We dove deep into learning about the uses and benefits of Khram tree itself as well as the process of making the dye and dyeing fabrics. Khram dyed fabric is deeply rooted in the Thai farming communities, where farmers wear clothes  dyed with Kharm while they works under the hot tropical sun. Khram has sun-protection property that helps wearers stay cooled during the day and protect them from sunburn. Amazingly, indigo dyed fabric keeps our body temperature balanced. It helps cool down your body under hot weather while keeping you warm when the weather get chilly.

This fascinating benefits combined with our background in Thai traditional medicine, eventually sparked the idea to create beauty and wellness products for people with urban lifestyle. Khramer products aim to put a layer of Khram protection on your skin in innovative manners. It is our determination to present a charming side of the E-Sarn culture in a modern-day context where both local and international consumers can enjoy the benefit of the age-old, local wisdom in a form that fits perfectly to their current lifestyle.


Taking Root

Khramer dove deep into our researches on indigo trees (Indigofera tinctoria) and made multiple field visits to observe how Khram is grown, harvested and made in to natural dye. We found that during the dye making process, the trunks, branches and leaves of Khram trees are fermented while the roots are normally left behind and have to later be discarded  by the growers. 

With our knowledge in Thai traditional medicine, Khramer realise that the most valuable part of Khram is being wasted away. If the dye made from the rest of the tree can help give fabric a sun-protection quality, the root which is normally the most potent and nutrient-rich part of a tree is very likely to contain even more beneficial properties. Seeing discarded Khram roots sparked the idea for us to try and find a good use for them.


Khramer strongly believes that everything has its own beauty and usefulness. Nothing should be wasted. Therefore Khramer strives to respect every part of nature and do our best to not let any gift from nature go to waste. Khramer takes extra care in the materials we consume making sure that we use everything to its fullest potential while at the same time not falling into the trap of over-consumption.  

The natural indigo dye process by itself has far less negative environmental impact because the process is heatless and 100% natural, making it less likely to pollute. Khramer wants to make the process even more friendly and kind to the Earth by putting the root to good use as well. At the same time, harvesting Khram root also bring growers additional income.

Route to your Daily Life


Good Roots

Our researches show that Khram root is very potent in beneficial substances. It is already widely known that indigo dye, made from other parts of the tree has a UV protection property. Khram root is packed with even more wonderful components and in high concentration as well. It is rich in properties such as sun-protection, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial effects, etc.


Good Life

After learning all the benefits Khram root can offer, Khramer took a hard look at our own daily life. We saw that there are many aspects of our lives where Khram root products can help improve and fulfil. We dreamt of creating products that make our life better, more charming and pleasant, while at the same time not harming the world in the process.


Good for You

Khramer’s products contain extracted ingredients from Khram root. The range is curated to bring wellness to both our physical and mental health. Our products aim to be the tools that help take away the stress of life and work in the city, making navigating the hectic city a little more breezy like wearing Khram fabric on you at all time.

We put the charming and calming qualities of a lovely small town life close to Mother Nature in every bottle of our products. They are the support system that helps balance, protect, nourish, heal, calm and enhance your day.